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Returning customers

Choose a plan

Our A la carte menu for a single order. No subscription required and no minimum order.

Join A' LA CARTE - One time order

10 meal plan subscription for a flat price of $99. This plan will renew weekly automatically.

Join 10 Meal Weekly Subscription

Save more on your total with a weekly recurring 15 meal plan subscription. This plan will renew weekly automatically.

Join 15 Meal Weekly Subscription

Best bang for your buck. Meals are only $8.99 each! 21 meal plan subscription. This plan will renew weekly automatically.

Join 21 Meal Weekly Subscription

Keto lovers can rejoice. All our Keto items in one place. Choose your meals A' La Carte with no subscription or recurring payment. Purchase 10, 15, or 21 meals for the biggest discounts.

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